Sound of notes in measure set to 0 (FIXED)

• Jun 9, 2019 - 10:52

I recently opened one of my practice scores to practice singing, only to notice that that the piano accompaniment sound drops out at certain point. Inspection of the individual notes using the inspector revealed their sound level was set to 0! I did not do this personally, though I did use the Musescore 2.0 to 3.0 automatic update of score layout. However, setting the sound back to a sound level of 48 manually did not correct the problem. Anyone has this problem as well?

As a probably related but minor problem: the audio on the forte notes has risen to fff - as loud as I think Musescore can play back the notes. This wasn't always the case.

I looked at the synthesizer menu, and saw it just had MuseScore_General.sf3, as it should have. What could be the problem?

I even tried opening earlier versions of the score, but they all have this problem. I've added the scores to this post with which I have trouble. I have no audio for the piano in measure 16 and 18 up to and including 23. Both versions I've added to this post suffer from this problem.

Attachment Size
No.1._Gute_Nacht.mscz 45.93 KB
Gute_Nacht in G-minor.mscz 46.99 KB


Neither seems to be a MIDI import, yet still Shoichi's tip should work.

But additional that legato in measure 16 really is a dynamic, setting to 0. delete it, ad a staff text, make it use the 'Expression' style.

This actually is a bug, velocity 0 on a dynamic used to mean to ignore it entirely, see #289916: Dynamics with zero velocity make playback play with almost no velocity. But then again a legato really isn't a dynamic, creating it as one could be considered being missuse

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The 'legato' part is indeed what's killing the sound. Doing this:

"But additional that legato in measure 16 really is a dynamic, setting to 0. delete it, ad a staff text, make it use the 'Expression' style."

Fixed the problem. The whole 'set to default' trick didn't work because it was already in default mode.

But thanks to your comment, it's now fixed!

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