Default Colour of Element in Score changed?

• Jun 30, 2019 - 14:18

Hi, I have recently updated to 3.2 and now I notice the colour used for several items is changed.
I.e. the blue rectangle around a selection no longer is as blue as it was. Breaks and Spacers are shown in Grey.

Now personally I don't have a problem with this change however in the Handbook there are often references made to these items and the colour is mentioned as well.

Is this change made intentionally in MuseScore or is it something that is just changed on my machine?

I have recently upgraded my Win10 to the latest 1903 build, hence why I am asking this. I only started noticing this now...not sure if this already occurred before the upgrade of my Win10 machine.

FYI, I have tried to do a factory reset but did not notice any changes after doing that.

Attachment Size
MuseScore-screenshot.PNG 5.51 KB


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