Hiding/Showing system bar lines error

• Aug 14, 2019 - 01:56

Anything missing here to not be considered a bug to be fixed?

1) New score (grand staff)
2) Check Hide system barline for both staves in staff/part properties + OK
3) Repeat and uncheck Hide system barline

Result: The barlines are still hidden with a slight shift as if there was a layout change.
Undoing doesn't fix the issue either:


What gives?


And there is even more odd behaviour if you create a score with two grand staffs. After hiding/unhiding the system barline on all four staves, the system bar line remains missing from bar 1 in all staves, but IS shown for all except the lowest stave in later systems. If you append bars, the system bar line is shown in all staves for all new systems after the addition.

I created a score with two pianos and 100 bars long initially. This resulted in six systems. Then after doing the hiding/unhiding thing a further 50 bars were appended resulting in a total of nine systems. This is what I saw.

System 1, no system bar line at all.
System 2 - 6, system bar line linking staves 1-3 and extending to the top of stave 4 but leaving stave 4 open.
System 7-9, system bar line extending from top of stave 1 to bottom of stave 4.

I was going to attach the file as an example but saving and re-opening the file restored the system bar lines to all systems.

Other possibly interesting points:

The same behaviour occurs for single staves with barline at start of single stave checked in the barline style settings. Checking and unchecking this has no effect after hiding/unhiding via the staff/part properties menu.

Checking and unchecking barline at start of mutiple staves has no effect after hiding/unhiding via the staff/part properties menu.

Checking and unchecking barline at start of single or mutiple staves does toggle the system barline if you do it before hiding/unhiding via the staff/part properties.

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