New Musescore appimage doesn't fit screen

• Sep 30, 2019 - 05:22

Screenshot says it all. Unusable. I use Musescore 2 with no problems. Using Linux Mint (Ubuntu version). Any way of forcing it not to be so enlarged?

Thanks for your help.

Attachment Size
Workspace 1_163.jpg 40.77 KB
Workspace 1_164.jpg 43.56 KB
Workspace 1_165.jpg 47.44 KB


In reply to by Widmung

I know there are some QTxxxxx environment variables to control things like scaling of fonts and graphics etc for high DPI systems, it's possible one or more of those might be relevant. Unfortunately there are more combinations of OS, monitors, and resolution settings out the in the world than it is possible to test for in advance, so sometimes in the corner cases one might need to experiment.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,
As you are aware I posted this elsewhere but discovered I had previously asked a similar question on an old operating system so have reposted in case it helps someone reading here!

There is another cause I have discovered. This is on Linux.

Changing the DPI setting for me only changed the size of the text and the splash screen / windows etc were still HUGE!

I searched for the problem for qt5 programs generally and this led me to download the qt5 configuration tool, which told me the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME is not correctly set. Current value: gtk2 Required value: qt5ct.

I then followed the instructions here:…


Set environment variables in /etc/environment and add the following lines:


Restart the system

which interestingly hasn't fixed the error in qt5ct, but has led to Musescore displaying perfectly, which was what I was after!

I do use a TV screen.

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