How do I align this?

• Oct 24, 2019 - 11:37

I am making the conductor's score of a piece I've been working on, but when I have it in page form, the bottom of the page won't line up with the rest of the pages. I only show three pages, but this happens with all of them.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2019-10-24 at 6.32.57 AM.png 120.99 KB


I see nothing (yet)
I guess though that this is due to the title frame on the 1st page

Edit: now that you added an image, it seems my guess was right.
You can have the title on a page of its own by applying a page break to the title frame.

We would really need the actual score, not just a picture of it, to know which settings are producing that result. By default, the tops of the systems should align, and if they are all the same height, so should the bottoms. Your picture appears to show the tops not even aligning so apparently you've changed some defaults somehow, but it isn't obvious how.

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