Does the dynamic "pf" exist in SMuFL?

• Oct 28, 2019 - 12:12

I came across the dynamic pf  in a song by Peter Cornelius (An Bertha, Op.15, No.4 - Dein Bildnis):
Peter Cornelius - An Bertha, Op.15, No.4 - Dein Bildnis - extract.png

According to the Dolmetsch online music dictionary, pf  is "an instruction to play piano and then, suddenly, forte"

I can't find a neat way to notate this in MuseScore, as the symbol doesn't even appear in the Master Palette for dynamics. Of course it's possible to nudge a p and an f close together, but if there is a chance of using a single symbol that would be my preference.

Any ideas?

The glyph does exist in SMuFL - see
SMuFL - pf dynamic.png

How can I get it added to MuseScore?


One more note on the pf dynamic. MuseScore creates every dynamic by using individual glyphs, that is it uses the m and f to make mf, not the mf glyph, so if you add your own you will want to do the same thing to make it look like the other dynamics.

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