FInale *.mus format files
Hi, gang!!!
I use Musescore 3.2.3 with Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (64 bits Linux).
i wonder if there is an easy and direct way to convert (and use) the standard "Finale" *.mus format files.
I know there is an MS-Windows app to read it but... Even the fact I use WineHQ (to use that kind of apps). because some unknown reason, I can't use that app.
Is there some Linux native App to read it?
Is there some direct way to read it, from inside Musescore?
Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!
There is no way for MuseScore to read the proprietary and closed source Finale format.
You know of a Microsoft Windows app that can read .mus format files?
Is there a name, or website, for it?
In reply to You know of a Microsoft… by Jm6stringer
Finale Notepad reads .mus files and exports xml (or musicxml) files from what I've heard.
In reply to Finale Notepad reads .mus… by mike320
Doesn't help much if you don't own Finale or don't know someone who does ;-)
Or if Finale doesn't run in WINE.
Finale is not available for Linux and no longer for macOS
In reply to Doesn't help much if you don… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi, jojo!!!
The problem is Finale is not available for Linux, hehehe.
My specific problem is because a very good friend of mine gave me (as gift) a lot of music pieces (male quartet arrangements, mostly) made with Finale (*.mus).
But, I don't have any Linux app to read it.
In reply to Doesn't help much if you don… by Jojo-Schmitz
Finale Notepad is free (but is only available for Windows)
I use it regularly to convert old .mus files to musicxml files that I import into MuseScore.
Don't know how to run it in Wine, I only use it on Win10.
In reply to Finale Notepad is free (but… by SqueezeBoxer
Does it allow for MusicXML export?
(It is available for Mac too BTW, but indeed not for Linux)
In reply to Does it allow for MusicXML… by Jojo-Schmitz
From the Finale Notepad webpage:
share your music
With Finale NotePad you can print professional-quality sheet music and exchange your NotePad creations to
collaborate with fellow NotePad and Finale users. You can also share MIDI and MusicXML files, back and forth, with users of hundreds of other music programs.
In reply to From the Finale Notepad… by AndreasKågedal
OK, must have missed that on my cursory look ;-)
In reply to Does it allow for MusicXML… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, that's what I use it for.
I worked for several years with a paid Finale Allegro 2005 and switched a while ago to MuseScore.
Finale Allegro 2005 does not support XML export. With the current Finale Notepad I can open my old .mus files and export them as MusicXML. I can import these MusicXML files without problems into MuseScore. Some small edits are required but in general this works great.
In reply to Yes, that's what I use it… by SqueezeBoxer
And restrictions, like the number of staves? Or is this only restricted on new scores and not on reading of existing .mus files?
In reply to And restrictions, like the… by Jojo-Schmitz
I can't tell. All my existing .mus files are leadsheets or not more than two staves. I can take a look if I have something bigger that I can try.
In reply to I can't tell. All my… by SqueezeBoxer
On the webpage linked in my first port it's mentioned that Finale Notepad supports up to 8 staves. I never had the need to try that.
In reply to Finale Notepad is free (but… by SqueezeBoxer
I can not to run Finale Notepad here. I guess there is some Wine issue with this, I don't know.
In reply to I can not to run Finale… by jotape1960
I don't have installed "W.i.n.e." at time and experiences with it, but maybe go to the homepage and search for corresponding entries like:
In reply to You know of a Microsoft… by Jm6stringer
I'm talking about "Music Bee.exe".
But, it is not running with my Linux OS.
Hi Jotape1960 !
I worked for a long time on Finale before moving on to MuseScore. I have the full version of Finale 25.5 on my Windows 10 64bits PC that creates new Finale "musx" files but can read old "mus" files.
So I could eventually try, on some of your scores, to open them in Finale, export to Musicxml and send them back to you.
It shouldn't be very long and you could open them in MuseScore
In reply to Hi Jotape1960 ! I worked for… by Papibois
I know this comment is very old, but would you still be willing to convert a Finale file to MusicXML? Finale has been discontinued, and I can't find a place to download Finale Notepad.