
• Dec 27, 2019 - 21:33

Need to know how to assign 4 'voices' to different Channels.
Maybe I haven't reached that yet in the MuseScore guide, but
I thought it would be explained in the setup of a new score.
(for 'instruments' I selected Barbershop quartet)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Things are looking up! (I'd never guess that "Staff Text" would have an effect on notes or playback!)
But, I still have some questions:
1. When I choose/enter a Tempo, why do so many appear above the staff? (d=80 d=80 d=80)
2. It seems that in order to get stems in the correct direction, you must set up the voices before entering notes -
Is this correct?
3. Something's wrong in your "Barbershop" score (I think I deleted mine) I still couldn't Mute the Tenor or the
Bari alone - if you can do that in your copy, maybe I'm doing something to change a setting - but I have no idea
what it might be.
4. When I select a red "M" it should be the only M highlighted, right? Also highlighted is the M for both voices in that staff.
5. Another thing: a little confusing, but not a big deal - and maybe doesn't apply if the voices are set up correctly, but - when I add a note to an existing note (Shift + [C] ), it's placed above the existing note (as per the Guide) but how would this work if the first part you entered (per the Guide) was the 'top' part (1)?

And finally a suggestion: In the MuseScore Handbook, instead of the word "CHOOSE" it reads "CHOSE" in virtually every instance. You might want to do a "Search & Replace" for that.
Thanks for everything.

Attachment Size
Danny_Boy_.mscz 18.26 KB

In reply to by gldodge

  1. Click on a note (or rest) then double click on the tempo mark in the palette. If you select the measure (i.e., all the notes in said measure) multiple tempo marks are applied (according to how many notes are highlighted). It's likely this is what happened.

  2. From the handbook on 'Voices':
    "Voice 1 (and 3) usually takes the up-stem notes and voice 2 (and 4) takes the down-stem notes."

    So, enter voice one, then, when voice 2 is entered, the stems 'flip'.
    Look at both images here:

  3. Hmm.... It works for me.

  4. I see what you mean. It happens in Jojo's attchment too. I don't know if that behavior is intended.
    Nonetheless, solo and mute function correctly.

  5. See:

    Chords are notes that share the same stem. When you use Shift + C you are not entering a different 'voice' but rather adding a C to a chord in a single 'voice'. For example, a piano can play multiple notes at the same time (a chord) in a single 'voice'. In your barbershop quartet you need to enter separate voices because you wish to isolate each singer for muting (or soloing). If you did not require this then, sure, you could enter the notes on the same stem in the same voice since the rhythms are the same. One singer would use the upper notes, the other would use the lower notes.

    If a note entered is an octave higher than what you wanted Ctrl+down arrow will drop it.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Still so many questions :-( (Yes, I have notes entered for all 4 voices.)
I clicked the arrows to expand. The "TENOR LEAD" column expanded to TENOR and LEAD;
The "BARITONE BASS" column expanded to BARI and BASS. but no matter what M I click to Mute a voice
it will not Mute one voice.
If I Mute BASS, it still plays all 4 parts -- If I Mute TENOR, it selects TENOR and TENOR LEAD, and Mutes both!

Also -- no matter what the Port and Channel are set on, only the LEAD column is affected by the (horizontal) Volume bar under Sound:
1.  How do I differentiate between the Channels? 
2.  What IS the difference in these 4 voices - and Parts 1 thru 4? All I want to do is be able to Mute any ONE or more of the four voices.

In reply to by gldodge

All I want to do is be able to Mute any ONE or more of the four voices.

OK... So notes are entered, and just now you mention muting voices.

Here we go:
Click on the first note or rest
From the Text palette double click 'Staff Text'
Right-click on the now applied staff text and select Staff Text Properties…;
In the "Change Channel" tab of the "Staff Text Properties" dialog, select one or more voices on the left
From the dropdown menu choose 'Tenor' for voice 1, 'Lead' for voice 2
(Make sure the selected Voice 1 and Voice 2 are on separate lines under 'Voice'.)

Click OK to return to the score.

Repeat for bass clef staff, but use 'Bari' for voice 1, 'Bass' for 2.
Have a look/listen:
(Expand mixer to view solo and mute buttons)

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