Why does the first measure span the entire page?

• Jan 3, 2020 - 01:06

As you can see from the picture, the measure at the top is stretched across the entire page, but the next 5 are all on the second line. Is there a way to fix this? I want them all compact, not stretched like the first one.

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fb.PNG 43.46 KB


In reply to by createdamadma

Very strange. There are some unneded modification to the x-offset of some rests, soime to compensate for the difference of a whole rest vs. a full measure rest, but non of those explain why there is that system break after the 1st measure.

OK, there's something even more strange: trying to add a system break at that measure (select measure 1. press Return) actually removed that system break.
So it seems there was an explicit system break in the score, but it wasn't shown for some strange reason?


          <offset x="70.6774" y="-12.2917"/>

There's the bugger, apparently there but at some positzion outside the score

It becomes visible when switching to continouos view.
The score is in "single page" view, which is quite strange for a score that has only one page, maybe that contributes to this issue?

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PIZZIAGE.mscz 14.56 KB

In reply to by cadiz1

Ah, yes, removing it did fix it. Thank you. I actually inserted that by hitting enter at some point, trying to do something else. I couldn't get it to delete so I just moved it off to the side. But now it allowed me to select and delete it. Not sure why that didn't work before and didn't realize it was causing the problem.

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