Avoiding crowding by adding hidden notes
Many times, I transcribe snippets of music without visible time signatures. Hiding the time signature crowds the first note too close to the key signature or clef. I've been hiding an 1/8 note at the beginning of the piece. Is there a better way to do this?
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pag204_score(a).jpg | 46.55 KB |
pag204_score(a).png | 25.88 KB |
Select the first notehead. Then, in the Inspector, go to the Segment section and set the Leading space to however much space you need.
In reply to Select the notehead, then in… by Spire42
Wow! Awesome! Thank you, Spire42! :D
This is a known issue indeed - see #299196: Missing space between key signature and first note if time signature is hidden. We have style settings to control the space to the first note but they aren't applied correctly in this case. Another, maybe better, workaround is to not hide the time signature but use Staff Properties to keep it from displaying in the first place. This results in a little too much space, though.
In reply to This is a known issue indeed… by Marc Sabatella
Staff Properties! Wow! Thanks, Marc. I'll play with that one too. :D