Note is in the wrong place but sounds fine

• Feb 18, 2020 - 06:32

I'm new to MuseScore. Plotted some notes, it sounded great, and then I selected a bar of notes to paste elsewhere (to retain the rhythm) - and one of the original notes shifted. On playback it's correct, and the info in the bottom status bar tells me it's what I want it to be, but on the staff it's rendered in the wrong place. You can see this by comparing the the attached PNGs.

I've also attached the mscz file. There are a couple of places that are wrong.

Have I gone mad, or has something gone wrong with Musescore? Thanks!

OS: macOS High Sierra (10.13), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 148e43f

EDIT: Got the latest version of MuseScore. Still having the same problem.

Attachment Size
musescore-incorrect-note.png 17.57 KB
musescore-right-note.png 15.69 KB
Sons.mscz 11.44 KB


You moved that note (actually chord) up 0.5 sp, visualy only, Check inspector and reset that value to default there. Not just once, you did the same think several times

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