Read across score

• Mar 10, 2020 - 16:26

My question is about printing a score. Is there a way when a score is printed in landscape back-to-back to have it read across so that the measure numbers follow right across the two landscape pages? I'm working on a five part score for wind band, (each part is transposed for various instruments), and If I adjust the page settings to give only one system per page on the score, some of the pages have one system and some have two and the staves don't line up across the two landscape pages. I can't find an answer to this in the manual, so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks.


Consider exporting whilst in continuous view (I believe to PNG is possible there for example).
Then use whichever tiling function your printer provides?

So scrap the idea above then :)

If you want consistent vertical spacing across your score then you'll at least have to start of by setting the desired min/max staff/system distances in the Page Style settings ( This should allow you to force systems to take up more vertical space than required; thus attempting to match the largest required space and eventually resulting in a consistent system height across all pages.

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