Missing Autosaves

• Mar 28, 2020 - 20:25


I've spent all day today working on a score, I suffered a power outage as the score was saving and unfortunately the file was corrupted. I have the .mscz, hidden file from the start of the session but this is missing over 9 hours of work!

I read through a couple of discussions on how to find the autosaves directory and believe I've found the right one, although I can only see autosaves from yesterday and previous but nothing for today. I've checked my config and autosave is still at the default 2 mins.

Any ideas

1) where are my autosaves from today?

2) any chance of recovering my score?



The autosave files don't accumulate, so you wouldn't normally have a separate one from every two minutes - just the most recent one. They are automatically deleted on a successful exit, but a power outage definitely isn't a successful exit, so you should have the autosave from today. When you next started MuseScore after the outage, did you answer "yes" when it asked you to restore the previous session?

If you saved your work regularly during the day, and you are on Windows and have OneDrive enabled for the folder, then you can restore the last-saved version through that. macOS probably has something similar.

In reply to by Silver Horizon

Normally a crash during save wouldn't destroy the file because there is a temp file created first, then it is moved into place at the last possible second. Looks for a file ending in ".temp" or ".tmp" in the folder with the score. It's possible it was still left behind. If not, then I don't know of anything else to suggest, unfortunately.

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