Need admin password even if I install it in a local folder

• Apr 20, 2020 - 10:52

Hi, I downloaded the .msi file for Windows 10 (64-bit) and told the Setup Wizard that I wanted to install the file on C:\Users[Local and non-admin user]\AppData\Local\MuseScore 3\ and not C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\ because I'm not admin, and for some reason my computer still wanted me to give an admin password. Why? I tried to download a .zip file on GitHub but when I extracted the .zip, there was a whole bunch of folders and whatnot but no .exe file to be seen, so I am back to the more "legit" way of doing it. Perhaps there could be a .zip file that doesn't have a whole bunch of folders for MacOS and whatnot, or just fixing the .msi installer?
Thanks in advance


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