Bug report moderation queue

• Apr 21, 2020 - 14:40

Hi, I tried to make a bug report, but it seems to have been stuck in the moderation queue for more than half a day. Is this expected? Is there something wrong with what I submitted? (The bug report concerns the accuracy of MuseScore's ADSR envelope.)


You probably included a hyperlink. If so, that is normal for new users...
And there's as far as I can tell only one moderator who could free those up.
I'm pretty sure there are more such stuck posts (actually I'm even 100% sure about this)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I didn't realize that would work. I've attached it here, but I think I'll wait for the bug report to be approved if it'll happen in a reasonable timeframe. (Because it's in the queue, I can't view it either, so I can't just copy the text.)

Essentially, the useful information in the report comprises "MuseScore ignores the release of the ADSR in custom soundfonts and possibly has other issues but I haven't investigated further".

Attachment Size
sf2.zip 492.71 KB

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