Fixing spelling of composition
Hi, there!
I added a score recently but I misspelled the song's title on my submission to the database (it appears correctly on the score itself). I tried to fix it 3 times, by using the EDIT function of the site, but it hasn't worked. Maybe it can only be corrected by an Admin...? I considered re-adding the song to the database as a "new title", but that would create a double entry, which is kinda sloppy....
Well, below is the link to the score and the correct spelling. It's just missing an acute accent on the Ért. If there's a way I can fix this myself, feel free to tell me, and I'll do it.
Thanks in advance!
Valami Véget Ert --> Valami Véget Ért
Since this question is about the score sharing website, you would need to ask over there on that site.
In reply to Since this question is about… by Marc Sabatella
Sorry, I thought this forum applied to both... Oops!
In reply to Sorry, I thought this forum… by AlanCharlesWilder
I really shouldn't reply here, but it took me a long time to discover that the "Edit" button next to the "assigned to" is not intended for the owner of the score, but for others complaining about it. It is useless for updating the assignment yourself. If you use "Update this score" and change the assignment parameters, it works properly. I made the point loudly that it is a deceptive trap, but welcome to it.
In reply to I really shouldn't reply… by [DELETED] 1831606
That doesn't work.... It gives me 2 options:
a) Picking a title from the database. The entry on the database is the one with the incorrect spelling (my fault!).
b) Adding the correct spelling as a "new composition". That would create a double entry, which would be as sloppy as the misspelling I'm trying to address.... :-P
In reply to That doesn't work.... It… by AlanCharlesWilder
You can't fix it. You have to add a new entry. The "database" is full of garbage, typos, 2 ways of spelling same thing, etc. It can't be fixed. I strongly suspect even the site admins have no way of actually "removing" it; since there will be 0 scores with the old name, it should make no difference.
In reply to You can't fix it. You have… by [DELETED] 1831606
Okly dokly! :-)