Stable 1.x branch

• Mar 31, 2011 - 10:04
S5 - Suggestion

Are there plans to release 1.x versions of MuseScore? At the moment, there are a few annoying bugs in 1.0 that are known to be fixed in SVN. However, there are no nightly or prereleased builds for 1.x versions.
Users might get upset about having to wait for bug fixes until 2.0


Yes a 1.X release will be made available when ready. I mainly fix critical bugs or high impact on usability bugs in the branch. More patches are welcome. The rules is to no break compatibility, not change the file format, and don't add too much new strings. Which annoying bugs in 1.0 are fixed in the branch and you can't wait?

Please bring this discussion on the forum instead of the issue tracker next time. The issue tracker is reserved for constructed bug reports and argumented feature requests.

That's good news.
Is there a special forum thread for 1.x targets. I mean, many bugs will already have been reported and it's just that nobody outside the project knows whether the fixes will be on 1.x. There could be one issue containing links to all the issues that will or won't be fixed in 1.x.

To mention some:
- When empty staves are supposed to be hidden, they should still not be hidden from the first system (known to be fixed in trunk)
- MIDI import: Voices that don't play until the end will not have rests from the last note to the end of the song (status unknown)
- #9823: System unresponsive after suspend (hibernate), as soon as it's fixed

Also, are there nightly builds of the 1.x branch? Or could it be done? I understand trunk is too unstable for nightlies anyway.