How do I just type in the drum part and WHY do all these rests keep inserting themselves?

• Mar 2, 2016 - 14:45

I am trying to use Musescore 2 and type in some drum parts to learn because I can play them at slow tempos with the software.

How do I delete notes and rests? Why do rests appear by themselves where I do not want them or asked for them? How do I delete them? I also am having a problem placing notes on the lower bar after other notes.


Deleting a note is done by selecting it and pressing Delete. A rest will take its place to ensure the measure you're working on still contains the correct amount of beats.

In MuseScore entering music is much the same like when you would use pen and paper. When you want a note to appear on beat 1-and-a-half, it would mean it is preceded by 1-and-a-half rests, so you'd have to enter those first.
See for more info about the different ways to enter notes into MuseScore.

"I also am having a problem placing notes on the lower bar after other notes."
I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly but I think you might be in need of what MuseScore calls 'voices'. See

And since you're wanting to input drum parts, make sure to have a look at the Drum notation page

Be sure to read the Handbook articles on note input and drum notation, and watch the tutorial videos; they should help.

One thing many people struggle with at first is the idea that if you change a note, MuseScore tries to keep all your other notes right where you entered them. For example, if you start with two half notes in a 4/4 measure - one on beat one, the other on beat three - then change the first two a quarter note, the second note will remain a half note and will remain on beat three. That of course means a quarter rest is needed after the quarter note - without it, this would have the unintended side effect of moving the second note from beat threee to beat two. MuseScore never assumes you want to move a note you didn't touch. If you want to move that second note to beat two, simply cut and paste it.

If you are still having issues, feel free to post the score you are having trouble with and describe more precisely what you are trying to do.

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