Help! I accidentally removed a score.

• Mar 3, 2016 - 00:18

I went to "Save as" and I clicked on the file I wanted to replace my score with. It asked me if I wanted to replace it and I clicked yes. I went to go open it and it was the old one that I had replaced. I have spent hours on this!! Is there any way to get it back?!?!


Is it possible you have two similarly named scores in different folders on your computer, and if you search for it you'll find the newer one somewhere you didn't expect it?

I would do a search on your computer for all files with a modification date corresponding to when this happened. If there was no crash, there are really onl two possibilities:

1) you accidentally chose the wrong file to replace, so it was saved with a different name or in a different location than you expected


2) even though you intended to say yes, you accidentally said no, in which case the file wasn't saved

Let's hope it was #1!

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