[trunk] and [1.0] Small accidentals?
In editions of pre-modern music, it is customary to put added (by the editor) accidentals above the staff, rather than 'in line'; moreover, they are usually smaller than 'regular' in-staff accidentals.
Is there a way to obtain small accidentals with MuseScore 1.0 or trunk?
If not, please consider this as a feature request.
Not sure if there is a reason this wouldn't be sufficient for that purpose, but seems to work to place them as text using the text symbol palette. They even default to a small size (maybe too small), but you can of course then change the size.
In reply to Not sure if there is a reason by Marc Sabatella
The reason is that staff text fragments containing accidental characters are not accidentals; not only a note marked in this way does not sound as having an accidental, but it is not 'seen' as altered by export, plugins, and so on.
So, I hope(d) there is a way to have a real accidental in a small size.
In reply to The reason is that staff text by Miwarre
I thought maybe the fact that you wanted it to display above the note and small meant you didn't *want* it to be "real". So how about creating an accidental normally, making it invisible, then creating the small text one for show?
The idea of being able to make individual elements "small" does seem useful enough that it would be nice to have it on the right click menu for all element types, not just notes and rests. At least, that's how I could imagine it being done. Is that what you had in mind?
In reply to I thought maybe the fact that by Marc Sabatella
Thanks, Marc.
Unfortunately, it's not me (I could live with regular-sized accidentals); it is a common practice in editions of Baroque and earlier music (to be honest, when placed above the note, accidentals look better a bit smaller...)
I thought about having two entities, one 'for the ear' and one 'for the eye', but it is a lot of work. Furthermore, if MuseScore will support small accidentals in the future, I would have to go back through the scores and remove all the 'eye' duplicates.
I think I'll live with 'big' accidentals...
Feature request remains, though!
implemented in r4173
In reply to small accidentals by [DELETED] 3
Great indeed! And fast! It works perfectly. Thank you, Werner.
Which other music notation program has this kind of support? :-)