Beams, cuts and holds

• Mar 13, 2016 - 17:00


I'm quite new to this and am trying to write down some music for bagpipes.

I'm having difficulty in editing. See attached example.

Bar 10 is what I am trying to achieve. Is it possible to edit Bar 1 to be as per Bar 10?

If yes, what sequence of editing is required? I'm finding that unless I get it 100% correct first time, that I can't seem to edit the scores to achieve the layout I'm after.



Attachment Size
SR 2.mscz 6.87 KB


I'm not sure what exactly is different about the layout that you are wanting to copy. If you mean the *rhythms*, then there are two things to know:

- to change the *duration* of a note, click it, press a duration button on toolbar or use equivalent shortcut

- to change the *time position* of a note, cut and paste, or just re-enter it

So in your example, you want to do three things:

1) shorten the B by clicking it and pressing the 32nd note button (or shortcut "2")
2) move the A and its grace note to an earlier time position by selecting them together, Ctrl+X to cut, then clicking the new time position (the 32nd rest created at step 1), then Ctrl+V.
3) lengthen the A by clicking it and pressing the "."

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