Songook cesases of function charging a .MSCZ file on some Aadroid smartphones

• Mar 17, 2016 - 13:48

This help is coming from a question posed on the warn that say that "Songbook has ceased on function", showing only a fourth upper left part of the smartphone screen.

Thanks Thomas.
I look that I can do from your asks. ...But the help I guess very probably, may come us only from the understanding the minimum quantity of memory free needed to run SongBook.

I guess (but I don't know) that in some smartphone not "good managed" there are very space to be cleanable or freeable so that it dispose the necessary OS space, for not having ceases of fonctions an maybe hungry SongBook.

This info can be useful for a veriety of users "not informatically advanced" but musically ok.

So that I am in difficult to tell you the version of those SO devices wich we encountered this behaviour because in ou choir we have 6 or 7 smartphones Samsung wich have problems ceasing SongBook by loading a new songwith the same .mscz files, that non have problems on oter some 20 android smartphones.

In that sense can be helpful some tutorial to manage smartphones to keep free working space ok....If really the space can is the problem for most SongBook users."


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