Game Music Commission

• Apr 5, 2016 - 03:12

Hey All!

I'm currently looking for a talented composer to help me make music for my student thesis project.

I'm hoping to have roughly 7 tracks in total (A menu track, 3 Level Tracks, and 3 Boss Tracks) and am planning for them to each be roughly a minute or two each. Compensation for time will be a $75 payment through paypal as my budget is very limited.

The game is currently slotted for 3 levels. A Dungeon, A Village and a Secret Workshop, and a Castle(Mainly Interior). Each level will end with a traditional "Boss Battle" whose track I'd like to be similar to Level they are in, but a much faster or intense version.

As for what I envision sound wise, I have a few ideas. (I'm very willing to hear constructive criticism on this)

I'm hoping for the dungeon to sound similar to this.

The Village to sound like this

And the Castle and It's boss to sound similar to this
(I'm thinking the boss track will share a tempo with the level track and instead the will have more instruments and more intensity)

If you'd like to take up this offer shoot me an email at, I'd like to hear roughly 15-30 second parts before paying the first half.

Thanks a ton!


In reply to by xavierjazz

Hey Xavier,

I meant 75 total, although I'm flexible for a bit more depending on my current economic situation.
I know it's pretty low but I'm a student and we're limited in the outside help we're allowed to hire.
Sorry for any confusion.


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