Fire deferred - !!! 2.0.3 Arrow keys to change pitch (didn't) work at all, octave (CMD) or without

• Apr 6, 2016 - 00:44

I am up a tree here. I didn't save 2.0.2 and you don't seem to have one. Please post 2.0.2 FAST!!! Thanks!
OS X 10.11.4
Well, I restarted it and it's ok. But it got into that mode -- what should I do if it happens again.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

All right, I'm sorry, I confess, I just peeked and used it a little, I won't do it again ....

Seriously folks, I've just gotten good at the piano roll editor and I need it, and arrow keys. There is no other way to phrase performances.

Is it too much to ask to post 2.0.2 Mac OS X for me and anyone else who does? You have an "old version" store, but it's not there. It ought be. This is a very serious bug.


In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

Truth be told, it's a lot less serious than things like #91271: Crash on save after creating new part from score with connecting barlines with parts selected in bottom-to-top order, #81731: Crash when repeatedly pressing Shift+A , #84351: Crash when saving with instrument name selected and continuous view, and a whole bunch of others that were found in 2.0.2. Also, the piano roll editor will be missing these new features if you roll back to 2.0.2. But if you're up for that tradeoff, every historical version of MuseScore is still available here:

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

The piano editor will be missing new features, like not supporting note editing!?! No thanks!

I found it on Source Forge from that page.. I assume there will be a patch release at some time, if not, I'll stay with 2.0.2, thanks. I need the piano editor and I need arrow keys. Not willing to give either up, sorry.

You don't think making an entire UI artifact (with no workaround) unusable is serious!?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, I'm sorry, I guess I'm used to working on more than one score at once; it's a very important feature, multiple documents. I'm sorry it doesn't work any more. I hope you're only kidding.

Breaking things that worked properly is a regression. There is no way around using the piano editor. Or around arrow keys. Or around editing multiple documents. Please give me back what was inadvertently taken away. I thought that's what the bug report mechanism was all about.

Thanks. If I have to wait 6 months or a year for 2.0.4, so be it.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

Check out the list of fixes made for 2.0.3 before deciding you really want to give them up just to be able to use the piano roll. I think you'd be cutting off your nose to spite your face, as the saying goes. 2.03 fixes hundreds of significant bugs, but sure, like any new release, will have a few minor regressions as well. The same was true of 2.0.2, and 2.0.1, and 2.0, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I did read it. It is a crying shame. I can keep both on hand. I've used 2.0.2 since its release, and none of the things it is missing (in my view) are yet present in 2.0.3 except maybe corrected short trills.

The piano roll is not "a special effect." For those many, many of us who use MuseScore as the final vehicle of our works, it is the only way, there is no other, to effect the phrasing that marks the distinction between "person who can copy notes" and "musician." It is the only way to play or sing legato and impart any phrasing more subtle than solomonically cutting a note in half. If there were appropriate inspector controls as there ought be, I wouldn't need it. And it is no joy, with its myriad bugs, inability to navigate, and irreproducible but certain crashes every five minutes. I sense an undercurrent of "you shouldn't be trying to using MuseScore to make quality performances anyway" and don't hear much of the "advertised features should work" you once said about it.

And yes, I did think of the possibility of helping .... as Jack Benny used to say, "I'm thinking about it."

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

Of course I'm not saying "you shouldn't be trying to using MuseScore to make quality performances anyway". I am simply addressing your earlier comments "This is a very serious bug" and "You don't think making an entire UI artifact (with no workaround) unusable is serious!?". The severity of a bug depends on many factors, and these include things like

1) how integral to the primary function of the software is the feature
2) how commonly used is the feature
3) whether there is danger of loss of work
4) whether there is a workaround

The piano roll is not needed to create music notation - the primary purpose of MuseScore. And even among people who do rely on the playback features of MsueScore, it is not a commonly used feature. The bug comes with no possibility of loss of work, and there is a simple workaround - just restart MuseScore. I could see the small minority of people who use this feature simply adopting a slightly modified workflow - doing the actual notation work on their scores first, with multiple windows open, then making a final pass with the piano roll editor, taking the one extra step of restarting MuseScore between each score.

That said, sure, it's a bug, and will undoubteldy be fixed at some point. But I don't see it as nearly as serious by the measures I just described as about two dozen of the bugs fixed in 2.0.3.

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