sync with symphony pro on ipad

• Apr 30, 2011 - 16:27

It seems save my Chinese song from musescore lost only little into symphony pro (ipad) (a few slur and the irregular measures). But getting it back is from symphony pro to musescore is not working. I

I attach another file I type in symphony pro (Jingle Bell) and also have issues to be read by musescore.

I look at the xml files and it seems both got quite a lot of information (not sure it is right but at least more than a few measures). But musescore only display a few measures with all notes combine together (as one?).

Not sure but may be it is a bug.


MuseScore does not accept decimal numbers in duration element. The musicXML xsd authorizes decimal numbers but says "The divisions type is used to express values in terms of the musical divisions defined by the divisions element. It is preferred that these be integer values both for MIDI interoperability and to avoid roundoff errors.". Symphony pro doesn't respect this recommandation... It's the only problem in Jingle bell.

The other file has the same problem and the second staff is full of bad backup elements.

The indentation of the files is not good. That's not a problem but it's not nice to read...

I opened your files with a text editor and fix them, they open fine in MuseScore.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for the prompt result.

I tried to go one more round trip use your versions. The files goes through musescore ok but once pass through sympro, the problem again. I think no round trip and some hand edit. I would try to ask sympro to see whether they can fix it.

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