
• Apr 10, 2016 - 10:35

OK, so I have all the desired instruments I want to work with in my score, just how do I work with the instruments after I've added them. for example, I want to input the notes for that particular instrument, then go to the next sound.


Basically, to enter notes:
Pressing 'N' will toggle note entry mode on/off. While in note entry mode, you specify a note duration - e.g. press '5' to designate a quarter note - then enter the note name. So, a C major scale comprised of quarter notes would be entered: 5,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C. If a note is displayed in the wrong octave, Ctrl+up/down arrow will change it up/down.

Since all tunes are not comprised of successive quarter notes, whenever a note duration changes (e.g. to an eighth note) the new duration is entered (e.g. '4' for eighth note) followed by the letter name of the note.

If you wish to move to another staff to enter notes for a different instrument, use Alt+up/down arrows.

More info. here:


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