Problem with dialog box

• Apr 11, 2016 - 06:34

From the main menu: Add -> Insert Measures...
Name of dialog box: MuseScore: Insert Measures
Version: 2.0.3
Revision: 3c7a69d

The edit control CEdit associated with the static text control CStatic "Number of measures to insert:" does not remember any previous input - it always displays "1". This is due to either 1) an access method for the class was never implemented, or 2) the access method for the class was implemented, but someone forgot to pass the previous value.


Has this ever been the case? Not in 2.0.2 at least, I've just tested (with a portable version of it). Not in 1.3 either.
Interestingly this does work for appening measures, so you do have very a valid point. Mind to enter this into the issue tracker?

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