How to change volume of one staff?

• Apr 12, 2016 - 20:49

I cannot seem to make it so my bass staff is lower in volume than my treble
staff, because I cannot hear any treble staff so I can't tell if it's right
or not and I'm currently transposing a song from it's music video since there
is no sheet music online that's free, and it's kind of fun, but I just need
to figure out a way to lower the bass staff volume without lowering that of
the treble staff. Thank you.


In reply to by Kainxjm

Yeee... I think Musescore is not able to do that yet in linked staves like piano or harp for example. It will probably be a feature in V4 though. For now you could try doing an alternative: create 2 piano staves but not linked, then use a bracket to make them look like they must do in a standard piano score... I don't know if it will work but try if you want.

In reply to by [DELETED] 32872726

Linked staves on a piano or harp are quite uncommon. A linked staff puts the exact same notes on both staves. The primary purpose of this is to have one be standard music and the other be tablature. The staves on a piano or harp can be completely independent and have their own dynamics as long as the dynamic range is adjusted as I said.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

With the two clear options in the instruments dialog I wanted to make sure there is no misunderstanding. Lothes does not seem to understand the difference since he suggested making 2 piano staves but not linked and then gave directions on how to make two instruments look like 1. I would be surprised if linked staves ever allowed for different dynamics.

In reply to by [DELETED] 32872726

What you describe is what the add staff button does. As I said, a linked staff shows exactly what another shows. It's usually used when you want a standard staff (like piano notes) and a tablature (TAB) staff for plucked instruments where the musician doesn't read music. This tells them which fret to place which finger on which string.

If it is a piano score, by default both have the same volume, and the Mixer won't help because it uses the same channel for both staves. But you can select all the notes of one staff (eg, select the whole staff, then hit the Notes button in the Inspector) and use the Inspector to reduce the Velocity of those notes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

>But you can select all the notes of one staff (eg, select the whole staff, then hit the Notes button in the Inspector) and use the Inspector to reduce the Velocity of those notes.

This works when the MuseScore Basic profile is activated, but when I have the Muse Sounds profile activated, changing the velocity has no effect.

OS: Manjaro Linux, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.2-, revision: github-musescore-musescore-

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