Default SoundFonts is immovable and causes MuseScore Crash

• Apr 26, 2016 - 21:03

I have the latest version of MuseScore (2.0.3) running on OS X El Capitain. Unlike the previous version I had, this version creates a MuseScore 2/Soundfonts folder at the top level of my documents. This location clutters my filing system. When I go to Preferences to try to move it, it causes MuseScore to stop responding, so that I can't save the changes or even quit MuseScore. I must use Activity Monitor to quit MuseScore. Please correct this bug.


Hmm, I've never heard of that happening. Are you trying to specify a location that does not exist? Can you give precise steps to reproduce the problem?

Note that going to Preferences doesn't move a thing - it just tellls MuseScore where to look. If you prefer it look somewhere other than the default, you need to first create that location yourself. *Then* you can use Preferences to tell MuseScore to look there instead.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, I did create my own Soundfonts folder where I wanted it. In Preferences, I go to the little pencil icon to edit the location of the Soundfonts folder, then I browse to the one I selected, the choose Open or Select or whatever. When that window closes, I am left with the preferences window, but the OK, Apply, and Cancel buttons do not respond. Neither does the Reset All Preferences to Default button or any of the tabs in the Preferences window. The main Musescore window also does not respond. I can see the menus in the main toolbar across the top of the monitor, but Quit Musecore is grayed out, as is almost everything else. Command-Q doesn't work. To quit, I have to use the Activity Monitor.

In reply to by skeeler

Try dragging the Preferences window off to the side to look behind it. You're forgetting the little dialog with the list of SoundFont folders, which comes after Preferences and before the actual Finder browser.

It's probably worthy of a bug report that said dialog gets moved behind the Preferences when you exit the file browser.

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