Copy multi-voice bar and paste select voice

• Jun 4, 2011 - 00:49

Inspired by this .

You can copy bars of multi-voice and paste them all (not by choice), but I propose you can paste one of the multi-voices.

There would be no shortcut I don't think (too difficult in terms of keystrokes, its use may not be too common either), but the option would be good in the Edit menu (Paste Voice 1), next to the normal paste.

I did wonder though if you could select more than one voice, just not all.

Any opinions?


Definitely should be something along those lines. I can envision a number of different ways it could possible work - either the copy or the paste could be restricted to a single voice, or it could be like in Finale where you have a mode that shows only the currently selected voice.

Yes, I think you could paste select voices via a tick box after 'Paste'.

If you get frustrated by this box, it could be disabled in Preferences and you paste everything.

In reply to by chen lung

I'd rather see the restriction of the selection to a single voice happen as part of the selection operation, not the copy or paste. That's because copying and pasting is but one of the things one might want to do with a selection. What about, for example, selecting a passage and then wanting to delete the contents of a single voice, or transpose it, or mark it invisible, or small, or silent, etc.

Some of this sort of thing can actually be accomplsiehd via a plugin - and no, I'm not suggesting that's the right solution long term. But I've been considering putting together a "Voice Utilities" plugin where you'd select a region, run the plugin, then se
Ect what voice you want to affect and what you want to do with that. The choices supported by the current plugin framework could include transposition, making small or insibile, changing velocity, etc. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to do a delete within a plugin, nor can I actually restrict the selection after the plugin completes, so you could not use this as a way of getting a copy & paste. Which is one reason I haven't bothered yet. But the rest is actually pretty straightforward.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, exactly. It should be part of selection, so all operations would be available. Perhaps on the Edit menu, add a "Select by Voices" choice, which brings up a list of the four voices with check boxes. All boxes checked would be equivalent to the current selection setup. In fact, this could replace the current setup. The checks you make would remain in effect for the duration of your session, or until you change them, but it would default to all checked whenever you re-start the program. Perhaps even put an "All Voices" button at the top so you only need one click to revert to normal mode.

-- J.S.

I think I agree about the selection - it could cover a number of things as you say.

Thanks - do you want to put in a request in the issue tracker?

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