A tip about alternative symbols

• May 6, 2016 - 17:38

I've noticed a few symbols within the GNU FreeSerif font that would be applicable in certain instances as symbols within MuseScore. The symbol section of the master palette contains only the main SMuFL fonts supported by MuseScore.

I've learned with help from the forum and handbook that I can take some screen shots or graphics, fix them up and then drag into MuseScore to be control+shift dragged into a palette. The next question then is: can we do this with extra symbols from FreeSerif or another font? The answer is yes. I utilized LibreOffice Word's Insert Special Character to find what I wanted. I then copy/pasted this into a MuseScore text label. Once this is done, the same thing can be applied as with a graphic: shift+control drag into your editable palette, and voila! I wanted to make a post about this because in the process I was tempted to ask on here if it was possible before trying it, and maybe someone else will be too and actually go through with it ;)


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey, you're right again Marc.
Edit Mode's left most button for text is Insert Special Characters, so there's no need to use another text editor for copying purposes. The different categories provided in MuseScore for the special characters, especially the musical symbols tab is a nice browsing method. The only downside is if you're just browsing, many times the Unicode categories in MuseScore are filled with blanks because the font doesn't provide those particular symbols, whereas in LibreOffice Writer only the available characters will be displayed in its Insert Special Character function, but that isn't really an issue.

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