dropping same time sig with different beaming on measure with existing sig of that time only changes beaming of one staff

• May 19, 2016 - 20:35

I consider this a bug, but I wouldn't be suprised if this was implemeted deliberately:

If start with: staff-time-beam-change.mscz

which has a 7/8 time sig element with default beaming at begining of meas 1.

Now if I drop another 7/8 time sig element but that has a different beaming, for instance 2+2+3 onto meas 1, then the beaming properties only change for that staff my mouse was closest too (even though the entire measure was clearly selected as indicated by the dark pink color)


Although I can understand why it may be in some instances desirable to have the beaming only changes on a per-staff basis, however, the semantics of me dropping a time sig on an entire measure (where all staffs are clearly selected) should be that all staves of that measure get the new beaming. Also note that even though I used a different text for my key signature "2+2+3", however all staves changed their text when I dropped ontop of that time sig. (To be consistent, EITHER all staves should change both their text and beaming properties, OR only the staff my mouse was closest to should change both its text and beaming properties.)

Note that if I drop that (2+2+3)/8 time sig on another measure which doesn't already have a prexisting time sig element, or one a measure which has a time sig element of a different funamental time signature (e.g. drop a (2+2+3)/8 on a 4/4), then the beaming properties change for all measures:


I think best to be consistent whereby always change time signatures for all staves when dropping on a *measure*.

Now, that being said, I still think it would be nice to be able to selectively change the text and beaming properties on a per-staff basis provided both time sigs use the same fundamental time sig (e.g. have one staff beamed/labeled (4+3)/7 while another staff beamed/labeled as (2+2+3)/7). I think that should occur when user drags the time signature onto of the actual time sig on a specific staff (in which case musescore currently actually only colors blue that selected target time sig which is being replaced).


I agree with your assessment. In general, time signature properties are per-staff, and at least sometimes that is a good thing, but there are some things that feel they should be done more globally.

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