Some notes blue, other notes green

• May 25, 2016 - 23:23


From other questions I have asked, I have learned that green notes and blue notes mean that there are 2 voices.

My question is, if there are 2 voices in a measure or staff, is there a function to simply move everything over to a single voice?




Specifically, in one bar I have some green notes and some blue notes.
I cannot figure out a way to move the green notes to Voice 1.

I tried click the "1" in the 1 2 3 4 in the menu at the top.

Any help would be appreciated.


In reply to by kembreg

The whole point of multiple voices (well, one of them anyhow) is to notate rhythms that *cannot* be notated with just one voice. So in the cases where pressing the voice 1 button doesn't work, that's pretty much always why - the nature of the rhythms is such that R is impossible to notate them with only voice.

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