Trouble compiling on Mac

• Jul 4, 2011 - 11:47

I started a new topic because it was digressing from the original discussion (hope to continue it shortly perhaps - this topic may refine the build instruction page). I just want a 10.6 release for myself to test, but I've encountered a number of problems - could anyone help, please? :)

I have two computers - MacBook and MacPro (both 10.6.8). Some errors are exclusive to each one - I'll let the experts see each of the logs, incase I've missed anything. I've highlighted the problems I see.

I might have a couple more questions as I learn how to compile successfully - will hopefully help others too that may struggle.

1. When I "make -f Makefile.osx release", it says "build directory does already exist, please remove first with 'make clean'".

I presume 'make clean' is a command to be used in Terminal? If so, what should it be (not being familiar with Terminal)? I deleted the build folder before starting another compile, but it didn't make a difference.

2. What is the best setting with regards to Base SDK and architecture, for building MuseScore?

Sometimes I see cc1plus: warning: /Users/scottnapier/musescore/trunk/build/all.h.gch: created and used with differing settings of '-m32'.

The biggest issue:

error: There is no SDK with the name or path '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk'
[BEROR]error: There is no SDK with the name or path '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk'

3. Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE).

What should I do?



I think the build fails because it intends to build a Universal binary, but the 10.4 SDK is missing.

What do I do to create a single architectural version (10.6)?

After some help from this , I managed to get further, but the build still failed (plus there was lots of things it claimed were missing, etc). The log is too big, but at the end, I got this:

The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/scottnapier/musescore/trunk/build/mscore/ /Users/scottnapier/musescore/trunk/mscore/mscore/exportmp3.cpp normal i386 c++
(1 failure)

Does anyone know what this is?

Finally built it! Takes a little while ;).

The log file seemed to show lots of errors, although I don't know what (if any) are normal. I'll attach it and let you see. Tips appreciated.

In 4498, neither Synthesiser or the Play Panel are available (greyed out) - can anyone confirm if it's the same on their system?

Attachment Size
Terminal Saved 315.66 KB

Thanks - is the play panel and synthesiser a problem at your end (possibly fixed in the latest revision)?

I installed the latest version of Cmake (2.8.5) - however, when I clicked 'install command line links', it said "Failed create symlink installation may be incomplete: usr/bin/ccmake" (and a few other things after bin). Still claims it installs successfully.

I suspect this is the reason why trying to compile MuseScore (make -f Makefile.osx release) gives me this message:

/bin/sh: cmake: command not found
xcodebuild: Error: the project mscore.xcodeproj does not exist in this directory.

In reply to by chen lung

I tried CMAKE 2.8.4 on Windows and it fails badly and very quickly. The compile page does say I can only use CMAKE 2.8.2, so that's what I am sticking with. Lasconic updated the Windows build page a few weeks ago quite nicely. I still have all my notes and I might have a few details to add, but it's good. The Mac build seems much more complex, esp dealing with the various OS revisions. Also, the Mac build script has more & different options than the Windows one... we don't have the "release" option.

I'm recompiling both branch and trunk right now (r4502) to see if the play and synth panels are OK, but I've never had an issue with them under Windows. Nope, no issues seen.

'make clean' (?) might fix it (for a clean install), but being the newbie in commands, I don't know how. I've asked regarding versions though.

I didn't know there were two different builds.

Just curiously, I opened the DMG (made before these problems with Cmake) and then the app within - it said "MuseScore cannot be opened because of a problem". The report included:

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/libvorbisenc.2.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/scottnapier/Desktop/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Users/scottnapier/Desktop/ file too short
/Users/scottnapier/Desktop/ unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x60 0xB6 0xBF 0x5F 0xFF 0x7F 0x00 0x00

In reply to by chen lung

The important thing about this comand "make -f Makefile.osx release" is the "release" part as it is the build command. The Mac build commands are in the Makefile.osx file. They are:

release, debug, clean, lupdate, lrelease, revision, version, install, package

The Windows build has:

win32, install, package, revision, version, clean, debug (branch only for now)

Certain builds must be done before others can happen.

Yes, I think I noticed that a few days ago.

The Mac 10.5 steps exclude 'make revision', compared to 10.6. Maybe that was just an oversight.

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