How do I merge separate MIDI files into one project file

• Jun 2, 2016 - 10:47

I need to put import different MIDI tracks into the same project file, and lay them on separate staves alongside each other.

Any ideas how to do this?


In reply to by underquark

I have the handbook. It's not easy to understand, as it doesn't explain the specific tasks I need to do, like merging MIDI tracks.

Also, some people learn better reading a long, technical handbook. Others learn better having things explained to them. That's why we have teachers in schools. Just a fact of life.

If you can help, please help. Thanks.

In reply to by shoogle

Helpdesk work should not be a way to throw away the "ignorant" assuming that they are too lazy or dumb.

When they ask something like "why is this not enough user friendly?", the honest way to think should be "can really be true that it is a cryptic thing this that sounds so basic for me? "

The truth is that musescore is realty good but it doesn't have many "must have" user friendly features as the fact that MIDI import panel disappear "because is no longer needed" while it could help to enable and disable instruments to edit them one by one

Helpdesk brings the developer a great opportunity to be retrofitted to improve his product.

In reply to by David Rogelio …

I'm not sure what you mean by "helpdesk" in this context, but anyhow, you can easily enable and disable instruments, or add or remove them, without need for the import panel. See Edit / Instruments and also View / Mixer.

Chances are any other "must have" features you might currently be missing are already there, just you just need to ask for help in finding them! Feel free to start new threads with new questions on things you are having trouble with.

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