Export - bug

• Jun 5, 2016 - 15:37

I am working a LOT with MuseScore - these days.. and have found it to be SO much more stabile than the last versions! So Thank you - for 2. 0. 3.
But just to mention:
I try to export my arrangements into single scores for every instrument.. One arrangement that I have made - refuse to make a score for one voice: the flute.
It was just recently I added that voice.
(And.. will be able to just copy another file and withdraw the other instruments, but it makes a bit more work for me, than just export the file as single instruments into PDF. )
I do not know - but have thought that the reason might be - because I added the flute a long time after the other instruments.
I discover that even though I have changed the placement of the instruments, the mainfile does not seem to read that, and make the scores for the instruments in the same order as I first made the arrangements. (Even though I have saved it several times.)

Hopefully I made to explain what I ment.. :-)
I can send the file, if anyone is interested.

I also have experienced that some of my instruments did not want to export into .Wav ... but when exporting them to mp3 first, (or upload them to FB actually!) it seemed to work fine afterwords.
I do not know why, it has nothing to do with what I do,
- it seems rather random, since it doesnt happen to the other files I am working with.
(A studioproject.. so it is a lot..)

But - what ever... it is just minor bugs, and does not bother me to much.
Thanks for 2.0.3. :-)


Ciao, you mean that File/Export... don't work as expected?
attach here your score, if you want.
A little 'time ago there were problems resulting from the translations. Try to use Help/Resource Manager...-> Update

I'm assumiong you sinmply haven't created a part for that instrument yet and that is why "export parts" does nothing for that instrument. Create the part in File / Parts and all should be well. Probably you did that once before you added the flute, but you need to do it again for each new isntrument you add.

If that doesn't help, please attach the score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

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