lyrics positioning ?

• Jun 14, 2016 - 17:07

I've tried experimenting, but I don't get, what is the difference between

style > general > page lyric top/bot margin
style > text > lyric odd/even > offset vertical

and which to use to set for the whole score?


Any of these will affect the whole score. The offsets in the text style control the basic position of lyrics. However, the top margin is added to this. So any combination of top margin and vertical offset that adds up to the same value should yield the same result as far as I know. I believe the reason both exist is largely historical; I don't think we technically need both at this point, although I could be wrong - maybe there is some subtle difference I am not thinking of. Eventually, I could imagine the top margin being more sophisticated, only kicking in when necessary. So it wouldn't kick in if you are setting an offset that places lyrics above the staff, for instance. Or might be used to provide extra padding only if there are notes below the staff. All this stuff is likely changing for 3.0, not sure exactly how it will end up looking though.

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