Longer notes for guitar basses

• Jul 22, 2011 - 09:43

In guitar composition we sometimes write (lets take vals minuet 3/4 scale) a bass with 3/4 as a time. But we put on a 1/4 rest sign or 1/4 note, then our bass keeps 1/4 times on the scale but it sounds 3/4 times in reality.(Look at second and third scales):
How can I do such a thing in musescore?





I do not quite understand your problem : Is that Minuet the score you want to copy and don’t you know how to insert the bass notes? Then, as lasconic suggested you have to
put the bass notes as a ‘second voice’: insert the up-stem notes first and then switch to the
second voice (you get a colour change of the cursor) and then insert the bass notes.

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