Opening/Saving 1.3 files to 2.0.3 Frame text disappears

• Jul 6, 2016 - 15:20

I am opening and saving MS 1.3 files in 2.0.3. Sometimes the Opera spoken libretto and scene description
text within the frames on 1.3 disappears. It does not carry over into 2+, though the frame outlines are there. I tried copying the text in 1.3 and pasting it to the 2+ file, but it will NOT paste. This is a severe problem as it would not be good to have to retype a lot of the libretto for the whole opera. Time consuming and should NOT be necessary.

Please see attachment of a 2.0.3 file Page 174 and others for an example.


In reply to by Shoichi

Hi, I did take a look, opened the file, and there was my missing text! You must have accessed it from my 1.3 file? Not sure, going back and forth between 1.3 and 2+ makes my head spin! I personally though would not want to start changing my page size around. Is your attachment/version of the score now ALL in A2? I will try the Ctrl+C in the 1.3 file and then see if it will paste for me in 2. I did not remember to do the Ctrl_C-- I know it's in the handbook.
Thank You, Del

In reply to by delhud2

Ciao Del, I downloaded the score that you have attached above, I added a frame, I copied the text out of place 'in' the new frame.
I set the page to A2 to have more room for maneuver.
The texts were already on the score, only out of place.
Buon lavoro ;-)

You cannot copy text directly into a horizontal frame; you need to create text first (right click the frame, Add / Text), and then paste the text.

Those frames actually contain a whole bunch of empty text as well as the text you presumably intend to be present, and then on top of that the text blocks seem to have been dragged way way way out of position. That presumably explain why they are not being loaded as you might expect. I can't imagine that this would have worked in 1.l3 either, but maybe the layout was different enough that the manual adjustments just happened to look like they might work, but failed when the layout changed.

Anyhow, one way to return things to a more reasonable place is to right click one of the frame texts that you *can* see, Select / All Similar Elements, then press Ctrl+R to return them to their proper positions (ie, remove the manual adjustment you had apparently applied).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So when you create a horizontal frame in MS, you are supposed to leave the frame in its original position, and not drag it up or down, etc.? Some of this I did between parts of the music score itself, etc. It did seem to work in MS 1.3. So when the frame text disappears, it's really on the page somewhere? Must be way off the viewable page scrolling up or down. I was trying to follow how some published scores of operas do it, when they have spoken libretto, or scenic descriptions, right alongside some of the music score itself. Well, I will try what you said, to return frame texts to a more reasonable positions. Maybe I did too much manual adjustment Malarkey!

In reply to by delhud2

You can't drag frames, but you can drag the text within them. But you shouldbn't use this to move text to completely different places on the page - just for fine-tuning the position within the frame. Because with large adjustments, there is just no way to be sure that adjustment will make sense if the layout changes. For instance, if the frame is on the *right* side of the page, dragging it by 4 inches to the left might happen to center it. But if the layout changes - whether because you change to a different version of MuseScore, or because you simply insert or delete measures, or any other reason - and the frame is now on the *left* side of the page, now that same "4 inches to the left" adjustment moves the text right off the page. This would fail in 1.3 just as surely as 2.0. It just happens to be the case you *didn't* add measures or do something to change the layout in 1.3, but if you *had*, then the same problem would have occured.

Bottom line: manual adjustments are for fine tuning things, not for moving things to entirely different places on the page than you you palced them originally.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I tried the operation of copying frame text in the 1.3 file. I selected it, then clicked Ctrl + C, then back to pg 174 the frame in 2 +, then right-clicked and went on add text, but the text from 1.3 did not past.e. Tried 3 times. What is wrong? Eiether it is not copying in 1.3 or osmething. When I get back to 2+, I already had the frame text mode set up but when I right-click first to get paste, nothing comes up to click on. and if I left-click, it just shuts the whole frame down.
To check if it's working in 1.3, I selected ,then Ctrl +X and it did Cut the text, so Copy must be working also. I surely hope it's not impossible to paste onto another MS file? That would be severe.??

In reply to by delhud2

You need to copy and paste the actual text, not the contents of the frame as a whole. So, double click the text in 1.3 as if you were going to edit it, then Ctrl+A to select all, then Ctrl+C to copy. Paste into a word processor to be sure you have the actual text. Now go to the frame in 2.0.3, be sure to right click and Add / Text - so again, as if you were about to start typing text (type a few characters to be sure you are in that mode) then Ctrl+V will paste the text.

You can't copy anything other than actual text between different programs - and 1.3 and 2.0 are different programs. that is why trying to select the whole frame content in 1.3 and pasting it into 2.0 doesn't work. It has to be the text itself - text you select while editing it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am ecstatic! With all this help from the Forum, I have been able to get the missing text into 2.0.3 exactly where it belongs , from the 1.3 files. Also other operations between 1.3 and 2+ are working also, that were telked about on another thread. Ny 2_ files are starting to come together; will take some more work though.

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