Spacing between saves

• Jul 14, 2016 - 10:56

I am transposing music for clarinet. I have some tunes written with MuseScore2 with the default spacing between lines of music. It is about 2.5 cm from the bottom line of one stave to the top line of the following stave. That is too much to fit it on my Android performance app (10.1 inch tablet.) The original in the book is written for piano with 1.5 cm between left hand and right hand, and 1.5 cm again for the next line. Version 1.3 is about right for my needs.

It seems that I can change the spacing by reducing the "Staff Distance" in the Layout tab, but that seems to do nothing. Running the Appimage on Mageia 5. Have I misunderstood something?


It saves a lot of trouble visualizing if you attach the MSCZ in question when describing a problem, but if I understand correctly, you need to reduce the maximum system distance in Style > General > Page.

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