Irregular Parts for Unpitched Percussion

• Jul 18, 2016 - 03:59

Hi Musescore,

Does Musescore could have irregular parts for Unpitched Percussion (as attached)?

Thank you.

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I'm not understanding what you mean by "irregular". Your pictures just shows blank staff paper, nothing but prcussion clefs and time signatures. MuseScore does indeed support percussion clefs and time signatures, if that's what you are asking.

In reply to by MusicFreedom

You can bracket staves however you like - just add brackets from the palette and drag them as desired.

That is assuing this is actually one system - that is, your score has six staves and you want them bracketed like this. If you really mean, this is three separate systems, but the first has two staves, the second has only one, and the third has three, then I assume your score is actually for three instruments but some of them aren't used all the time and you want to hdie the staves that aren't being used. If so, then create the score normally for all three instruments, then when you are done, enable "Hide empty staves" in Style / General.

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