HELP -- Adding text to a score

• Jul 22, 2016 - 02:12

Ok, the last issue today is this: I have a title on my score. However, whenever I try to enter other non-musical text onto the page, it always creates a frame on top of my title. Then I have to drag it to wherever I need it. Then there's seems to be NO way to change the size of the font, or the font itself. The original score had information at the bottom of the first page with the authors name for words and music as well as information regarding Copyrights, etc. In my perfect world, what I'd like to see is a way to select my own entry point on the page, set the font, size, etc and then type it in. Then if it needed re-positioning, I could drag it.
Perhaps this is all possible. I just haven't discovered it yet.


There are lots of different ways to add tet, depending on what kind of text you want to add. Have you read the corresponding sections of the Handbook yet?

If you are trying to create a footer - which is what it sounds like - use Style / General / Header, Footer, Numbers. Most other text wouldn't be attached to an arbitrary place on the page - that would be virtually unheard of, in fact. Instead, text is normally attached to specific notes or measures. So you select the note or measure then add the text from either the Text palette or the Add menu, or sue the keybaord shortcut where appropriate (eg, Ctrl+T for staff text.

Fonts should be standard / correct by default for the type of text, but you can override it for a single element using the text toolbar on the bottom of the screen, or for all elements of the given type (eg, all lyrics) using Style / Text.

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