Views, likes and customization.

• Aug 3, 2011 - 17:58

This has probably already been mentioned but just to stress the matter again it would be really cool to have a box that shows you how many people have viewed your score. Also a "like" box that people can click if they like the piece so then the composer can see how many "likes" he/she has received (like the youtube layout). Furthermore also like youtube maybe we could customize our pages with colour or something like that. I would like to make my page MY page and no one else's. And going back to the "views and likes", it would be nice to be notified once someone views or likes one of your pieces. I think making these changes may add some more incentive for people to visit the site more often. Thank you


I suspect that the developers are mainly dealing with the nuts and bolts rather than the interface. I also have a number of changes I would like to see to the interface, but I just assume that there are more pressing concerns.

Are you able to program, or do you know of someone who would be willing to come on board and contribute? That would be very cool.


In reply to by xavierjazz

I'm not sure what this is about, as I assumed the original question related to the sharing of scores via

Or does it somehow pertain to MuscScore's interface in some way that I've missed?

p.s. FWIW, 'MysteryTurd' is a hilarious user name. I wonder what that pertains to. :-/

In reply to by xavierjazz

I'm assuming the OP is referring to, in which case, the best place to post suggestions is in the Improving group on that site. I think you'll find, though, that those are already topics of disucssion, and that at least some of it has already been announced as forthcoming in posts to that group.

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