Inspector in the menu?

• Aug 8, 2011 - 01:12

If you wish to alter something, you double-click or right-click to edit - the inspector will appear.

I'm not sure if it's required to have it in the menu (under Display).


In reply to by chen lung

Inspector doesn't come up for me when I double-click something. It only seems to do that if you've enabled it first (F8). Then the panel will always be there but will be empty until you select something. You have a different experience?

Also, there is already a Properties option for elements. But there are multiple "properties" panels available which is making things confusing and they can't all be called "Properties":

1. Right-click to get the element properties, if it exists
2. Double-click to get a positioning change toolbar
3. Enable Inspector (F8) and single-click to view some of the low-level element details
4. Click on an element and bring up Object Debugger for another low-level set of details.

In reply to by schepers

As far as I can tell from 'outside':

1) Not 100% sure, but I think Chen Lung's comment was a feature proposal: "Could the Inspector be changed so that...?" Maybe he can clarify himself...

2) "Properties": I believe the trend is toward removing all the "Properties" items from the menu(s) you get with right-click and move them to the Inspector.

At that point, renaming the Inspector to "Properties" or "Property Manager" or "Property Explorer" or anything of this kind could make sense: the term "Inspector" does not seem to appeal many users...

Probably, to change the name it is not even necessary to wait until the transition is complete, as long as the trend is clear.

3) Object Debugger is a debug only tool: it was present in all the develoment versions and finally removed for final releases; I assume it will be the same for ver. 2.0; which is probably fine, as the Object Debugger exposes a lot of internal details -- not necessarily editable -- of little (or none) use to the final user.


In reply to by Miwarre

I've re-read his posts and I didn't infer what you did, nor do I experience what he does with Inspector. That's why I also want clarification. When I right-click on an object Inspector doesn't come up. Double-click and inspector doesn't come up. Inspector isn't even on by default.

I was also lamenting the number of "property" methods one has the ability to use... the various levels can make things confusing esp for new users. I'm not sure how best to split element properties so that the necessary and common ones are easily available and the unnecessary ones are available elsewhere, but putting everything under Inspector is IMHO the wrong way to go.

Yes, Inspector only appears if you click in the Display menu.

I would agree about renaming Inspector to something like 'Properties' (but maybe not that). This was touched on in the 2.0 Roadmap .

Part of me thinks the Inspector (as a feature) is alright (if using 'edit mode' perhaps), but another says it's too cumbersome and for some types of 'properties', it may not be suited.

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