There's an issue with the Grace-Note system

• Aug 7, 2016 - 21:49

So, I just downloaded the most recent nightly build for Windows 10 available.
I was testing out the capabilities of each feature one-by-one. I decided to try the Grace Notes Out, and then this happened. It worked fine for all the grace note features until the one where the note is after the selected note.

I wasn't exactly sure if this was normal so I tested this out on 2.0.3, and I got this result.


Yeah, I believe this is a bug. I wasn't sure if the notes were supposed to hide behind each other like they did in the nightly builds. To reproduce this issue, download the file that I have provided. It is the 3.0.0 beta one. Test_Out_Grace_Notes.mscz
You can see that I have already put notes on the page.
(1) Go to the Advanced Palate and expand the grace note part of it.
(2) Select the first note that I added.
(3) Double Click on the last Grace Note option (It is the 8th one) to add it to the selected first note
(4) Notice how the grace note's head seems to be hiding behind the non-grace note's head.
(5) Repeat the process for the remaining notes except select the second-to-last grace note option for the second note, the third-to-last grace note option for the third note, and so on and so on.
-Notice how the note heads seem to hide behind the notes.

Yeah, I figured I should bring this to attention, because I don't believe this is the normal operation.

Let me know if this has been reported before, or if I should report it to issue tracker.


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