Musescore 3.0 (nightly, 4e4486b) doesn't show by default instrument names (score created on 2.0.2)?

• Aug 14, 2016 - 22:29


Just curious. I've created a string quartet score (Violin 1/Vl 2/Vla./Vlc.) on Musescore 2.0.2 and, testing a Musescore 3.0.0 nightly (above the build number), it doesn't show the long or short instrument names on the screen. Not even in a exported PDF.

I don't get it. I'm not using the "Strings" instrument, but the solo instruments. All is okay in my Musescore 2.0.2, and even in the website here (I've uploaded and it shows the long instruments on the first page).

I even created a brand new score (on this 3.0.0), using the String Quartet template, and it also doesn't shows the instruments.

What am I missing? I'm attaching the two scores, the last being the blank score using the quartet template. I don't recall changing any defaults or preferences in the 3.0.0


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Oddly enough, if I open the "Staff Properties..." dialog over a measure, it's the "short intrument name" what is missing. Then, if I fill the dialog with the short instr. name, both the on screen score, and the exported PDF, shows that short name (in the first score page). But not the long instrument name. As said, Jojo, lasconic, this is only on the 3.0.0 (I didn't checked 2.0.3).

This somehow happens (in 3.0.0) with other (not chosen by using a template) instruments, but in this case, the short instrument names always appear both in the onscreen and in the PDF (but not the long ones on the first page)

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