
• Aug 18, 2016 - 19:38

I've been using some nice soundfonts (GeneralUser) for my score editing, but after uploading it online I noticed that the score uses the default Musescore 2.0 soundfont. Is this normal?

And in addition, is there any way I can save my score as an MP3 with the better soundfont?


There is not currently a direct way to get to use an alternate soundfont - there are zillions of them out there, and the web site can't have copies of them all. But you can check out the "audio sources" feature for a way to do get it to use your own audio track.

You can save audio from MuseScore with whatever soundfont you like if you first use the "Save to Score" button in the Synthesizer window.

Also Note:

The very notion of “save an MP3 with a different SoundFont” actually makes no logical sense at all.

MP3 is a sound-file format:   when your performance gets here, it has first been reduced to a sound-wave, then that sound-wave has been compressed.   It now bears no more connection to “an orchestral score” than once did “the grooves in a black vinyl disk,” and for the selfsame reasons.   The [virtual ...] performance, and everything that led up to it or contributed to it, is now forever gone.   The only thing that is left are the sound-waves.

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