Changes to measure affects subsequent measures

• Aug 29, 2016 - 05:06

I'm trying to add something to a musescore file, and attempting to change the duration of a note in an earlier measure changes things in later measures (deleting notes and shifting them a bit). Changing the highlighted note to an eighth note (which should insert rests after it in the measure): affecting later measures. Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way of avoiding this? Perhaps a way of locking later measures?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.


Please post the score here so it can be looked at.

From your description, I think MuseScore should be doing what you expect it would. Perhaps the file has a corruption.

In reply to by jim.weisgram

The file is indeed corrupted; it's giving me an error message when I open it, that measure 9 has a different number of notes than expected.

I hit "ignore" and the measure in question *is* missing an 8th note at the beginning of the measure, with no rest mark in its place but it plays as if there were. Trying to zoom in more crashed musescore. Opening again and clicking "cancel" in this dialog also crashes musescore.

> Please post the score here so it can be looked at.

Sure, how do I do that?

In reply to by neilfein

Sure, how do I do that?

When you are posting, scroll to the bottom past all the advice about web tags and formatting and you will see a >File Attachments option.

it's giving me an error message when I open it, that measure 9 has a different number of notes than expected.

That is a common corruption. I created a number of these when using version(s) 1.x and they became apparent in version(s) 2.0.x

There is a "howto" with methods to fix this type of corruption at

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I got the same crash.

Since a .MSCZ file is just a zip file, and the actual score data is held within as an .MSCX, I opened that file with a text editor. I made a change to measure 9, removing a "tick" element just because it seemed out of place.

Then I was able to open the MSCX file and fiddle with it with MuseScore. Now MuseScore reports no errors for me. Beat 1 of measure 9 has a note that I filled in, but no chord.

Attachment Size
The_Imperial_March_3.mscz 39.18 KB

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