Set default velocity in Style-> General, and edit what palette displays

• Sep 3, 2016 - 07:30

So, if I wanted to write like Wagner, it'd be really nice to be able to change the default velocity levels for all the various dynamic markings, and it'd be nice if I could edit the palette so I don't need to go into the master for a ffff dynamic every five seconds. Or if I'm writing something with a lot of weird time signature changes, I could have a style that puts that in the palette.

Or I could remove some of the lines from 'lines' because I don't have any pianos or third endings, I don't need the hairpins as I can type those and I would like to not have to scroll to find the trill.

Taking my 'edit default articulation length' thought a bit further.

Oh - and hey, if the dynamics could have a default 'offset volume' for single note things like sf, that would be great. I could set it to 20 and never have to type it in again.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm not seeing any way to change it's velocity, either in the handbook or the program itself. Properties while in palette gives you nothing, and you can't access properties from the master palette.

If you're talking about 'show more elements', 2.0.3 has no such checkbox for the palette cell properties.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

But (so far) there's no way to make that velocity change apply only to the note the dynamic is attached to—you would need to manually "cancel" it with an invisible dynamic on the next note reverting to the previous velocity.

I could have sworn there was a request for this logged in the tracker, but I can't find it.

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