How to increase length of glissando lines?

• Sep 4, 2016 - 04:16

This handbook page mentions that you can enter edit mode by doubling clicking the glissando element. I've tried it, but it doesn't work. (Right-clicking it also greys out the Edit Element button)

Is there an alternative way? Because I do not want to get stuck with this ugly artefact:


Double-click for editing the glissandos works as expected here:

Are you sure you used the 2.0.3 version? If not, necessary update.

In reply to by Ragokyo

Ruined the playback volume? What?
I have no recollection of such a question reported for the 2.0.2 (except oblivion of my part). Please elaborate what you observed about the playback by detailing the steps to reproduce (and by attaching the involved score) Thanks.
And I really advise you to update to the 2.0.3, of course.

In reply to by cadiz1

Musescore 2.0.3 increased the overall volume of the synthesiser, so that the default volume of 2.0.2 has been increased and set as the default threshold for 2.0.3. This means that the volume of the current synthesiser has to be manually adjusted lower or else loud passages may produce possible cacophony which were otherwise absent before. This of course isn't troublesome - however it doesn't affect the .WAV export, which means an external program is needed to reduce the volume (profound laziness on my part). It has been discussed here.

In reply to by Ragokyo

I think you have it backwards - 2.0.2 was too *soft* by default, so you probably turned up the volume to companesate. Now that 2.0.3 has fixed that issue, you simpy need to return the synthesizer volume to the default instead of what you raised it to. The default volume in 2.0.3 should work just fine. If you are encountering a specific case where you think something is too loud after resetting to the default volume, pleasde open a new thread and attach the specific score you are having problems with, your settings in View / Synthesizer, and whatever other pertinent information you can.

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